Meridian turned 7 months old last week, and oh man, the past month has just been one milestone right after another--I can barely keep up with this baby! :p
At about 6.5 months, she learned this adorable game:
And she still loves to play peek-a-boo, with anything she can cover her face with. Some variations: if we put something over our faces, and ask, "Where's Mama/Papa?", she'll tear off the cover and giggle. She also loves to cover and uncover Scout's face. I don't think you can tell in the video, but she gets so excited waiting to reveal herself, she'll jerk her legs around in anticipation :3
On September 21, she got in her first teeth. After months of painful gums, this little lady now has two adorable bottom front teeth to flash endearingly at everyone :) There are several more about to erupt, too!
On September 24, Meridian met her first baby, cousin Avery, and it was so sweet watching them clasping hands and exploring each other :) Here's a pic with her, Avery, and Aunt Kathy:
That got me excited to have her meet other babies, so on September 29, we started going to a weekly Mother Goose Rhyme Time meeting at the library, and it's been a relief getting her out of the house--she gets soooo bored. There are 2 or 3 babies her age, and about 15 older or younger babies, so it's a nice mix. Of course, I've enjoyed having adult company, especially other moms to talk to. I'm still looking for other activities to get her involved in (I had planned on swimming lessons, but those were filled up within the first hour of registration, so maybe next session). I was getting worried that she'd learn all her social skills from playing with Scout, which probably wouldn't be ideal :p But, they are pretty cute together:
On October 11, she took the leap from scooting around the floor to unmistakable crawling! She now crawls eeeeeverywhere, faster and faster every day! However, almost immediately after mastering crawling, she decided that wasn't good enough, so she has started trying to master walking. Even in my last post, in September, she was trying to walk, but now she's getting sturdier and steadier. It's really amazing to watch her go! Although I'm having to chase her around all the time, I'm so glad she's self-mobile (automobile? :p) now because she hated being carried around or stuck in one place all the time.
There's more to say, but I'll just wrap up by saying we're loving our super-intelligent, smiling, laughing bug! Miss M is needing me, and I must go....