She's also becoming a mini Paris Hilton--she calls everything "hot." Granted, she's referring to the temperature-- she'll say "hooooot?" before trying any food or drink, and before getting under the stream in the tub, and poutily at the park when the sun shines on all the sand and plastic, making it very uncomfortable---so now that it's summer, we hear that word a lot :)
Other developments: She now signs for "bath," "play," and "water." She makes the water sign when she's thirsty and when she sees water or hears the word (she also signs water when we say "otter," cutely :))
And again, she's crazy-adept at recognizing words we're talking about. Headband and ipod are some words we recently discovered she knows, based on her running to get them when we bring them up in discussion (well, in the case of headband, she heard a song about a headband on Glee, and ran to put her own headband on--on the back of her head, of course).
And finally, her hair is now long enough that she has little ringlets at the ends :3
Here are some recent pics of this adorable
Where is Meridian???
Uh oh, she's on to us! Safety locks, here we come!
Smooshing her face into an inflatable globe :p
This is from when we checked out one of the student protests about the tuition hikes--Meridian was grooving to the beat of all the banging and clanging of pots and pans (des casseroles in French--I guess it takes going to a protest for us to learn new French words :P)
Reading on the potty:
Finally we're not the worst parents in town anymore--we got her a sun bonnet!